
Búzios Diving Introduction

Búzios Diving Introduction. Experience an introductory diving class in Búzios at João Fernandinho beach. Learn about diving equipment before heading into the sea with an instructor for a half-hour dive. Explore the coral reefs of João Fernandes...

  • 1 hour - 1 day

Búzios Diving Introduction

Experience an introductory diving class in Búzios at João Fernandinho beach. Learn about diving equipment before heading into the sea with an instructor for a half-hour dive. Explore the coral reefs of João Fernandes and João Fernandinho beaches at depths of 3 to 8 meters.


Activity times range from 9 am to 1 pm, with exact start times provided after booking.



  • Diving course
  • Spanish and Portuguese–speaking instructor
  • Diving equipment
  • Photos and videos


Activity location

Praia João Fernandinho, Rio de Janeiro, 28950-000