Chicago CityPASS®
The Windy City has a wealth of attractions, museums, and galleries you'll fall in love with. Discover them all with the Chicago CityPASS®. Chicago CityPASS®. The 2 attractions included in the Chicago CityPASS® are. Shedd AquariumSkydeck Chicago....
- 1 week
The Windy City has a wealth of attractions, museums, and galleries you'll fall in love with. Discover them all with the Chicago CityPASS®.
Chicago CityPASS®
The 2 attractions included in the Chicago CityPASS® are:
Shedd AquariumSkydeck Chicago
As well as these 2 attractions, you'll also be able to choose 3 attractions from the following:
Field Museum of Natural HistoryArt Institute of ChicagoMuseum of Science and Industry360 Chicago Observation DeckAdler PlanetariumShoreline Sightseeing boat ride on the Chicago River
How does it work?
This Tourist Card is valid for 9 days from the date of first use. Attractions may require reservations. Once you've made your booking, you'll receive a voucher with a link through which you'll be able to make reservations, see all the attractions that are open, and up-to-date information about each attraction.
- Chicago CityPASS®
- Admission to included attractions for 9 days
- Accessibility: Yes, it varies according to every attraction included