
Playa Blanca Beginner Scuba Diving Experience

Playa Blanca Beginner Scuba Diving Experience. Located at Avenida Islas Canarias, this diving introduction offers a theory class followed by practical open water exercises. Accompanied by an instructor, you can choose between 1 or 2 dives to...

  • 2 - 5 hours

Playa Blanca Beginner Scuba Diving Experience

Located at Avenida Islas Canarias, this diving introduction offers a theory class followed by practical open water exercises. Accompanied by an instructor, you can choose between 1 or 2 dives to explore the Atlantic flora and fauna.


Activity duration varies based on dive selection:

1 dive: 2 to 3 hours2 dives: 4 to 5 hours



  • English–speaking instructor
  • Diving equipment
  • 1 or 2 dives (depending on selection)


Activity location

Kuora Internacional Disco Pub, Avenida de Canarias, 35580 Yaiza (Las Palmas), Spain