Tampa Bay CityPASS®
- 1 Woche
Discover Tampa's fun and cultural offerings with the Tampa Bay CityPASS® - you’ll enjoy visiting some of Florida's most exciting attractions!
Tampa Bay CityPASS®
Attractions included on the Tampa Bay CityPASS® tourist card are:
Busch Gardens Tampa BayThe Florida AquariumZooTampa at Lowry Park
In addition, you can choose 2 attractions from the following:
Clearwater Marine AquariumThe Tropics Boat Tours Dolphin or Sunset CruiseMOSI: Museum of Science and IndustryGlazer Children's Museum
In total, Tampa Bay CityPASS® includes 5 attractions.
How does it work?
This Tampa Bay CityPASS® is valid for 9 days starting from the first use. Attractions may require reservations. Once you've made your booking, you'll receive a voucher with a link for making reservations, viewing open attractions, and obtaining up-to-date information about each attraction.
- Tampa Bay CityPASS®
- Free admission to included attractions for 9 days
- Accessibility: Yes, it varies according to every attraction included