
Cuban Cigar Workshop

  • 2 Stunden

Cuba is famous around the world for its cigars. Learn about their history and discover how they're made with this fantastic workshop in Havana!

Cuban Cigar Workshop

Join us to explore one of Havana's important traditions. We will meet at Faco Rivera and proceed to the Cuban cigar workshop.

Upon arrival, you will be welcomed with a complimentary drink while we discuss the origins of tobacco in Cuba, including how pre-colonial civilizations used these plants 500 years ago. We will explain the impact of Christopher Columbus' expedition on the world of cigars.

The workshop will cover the different types of cigars, allowing you to learn how to differentiate them. You will then engage in the process of making your own cigars. While the technique may be complex, it promises to be a rewarding experience.

You will also learn about the best pairings for cigars, including tasting some Cuban rum and coffee. This session will highlight local products, and as a concluding gift, you will receive 2 Havana cigars.

The workshop lasts for 2 hours, offering an enjoyable learning experience.



  • English–speaking guide
  • Necessary material for making the cigars
  • Drinks
  • 2 souvenir cigars


  • Accessibility: Yes, you must attend with a carer



Calle Paco Rivero, Havana, Cuba