
Los más destacados de Cochabamba - Tour de medio día

  • 5 horas
  • Voucher impresso

Beautiful tour of the main attractions of the city, including Prado, Main Square, Achá Theater, where you can appreciate the charm of the city of Cochabamba and its contrasts between Colonial and Modern architecture.

Discover Ciclovía and the Mormon Temple, one of the largest in Latin America. Visit Pueblito de Tupuraya in whose streets you can still see the characteristic colonial buildings of Cochabamba.

Learn about the Bird Watching events and then climb to majestuso Cristo de la Concordia, one of the tallest monuments in Latin America and a symbol of the city of Cochabamba that allows you to appreciate the charm from the city.

The tour concludes with a visit to the Parque de la Familia (Dancing Water Park).



  • Guide
  • Transport

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