Art Walk 48 Ticket Düsseldorf
- 2 dias
- Aberto em Ter, Qua, Qui, Sex, Sáb, Dom
If you're an art aficionado visiting Düsseldorf, the Art Walk 48 ticket is perfect for you! Visit 6 of the city's most renowned art museums and admire breathtaking works of art.
Art Walk 48 Ticket Düsseldorf
The Art Walk 48 ticket includes access to all collections, permanent and special exhibitions in 6 of the most renowned art museums in Düsseldorf for 48 hours. The included museums are:
KIT - Kunst im TunnelKunsthalle Düsseldorf (including Salon des Amateurs)KunstpalastK20 GrabbeplatzK21 StändehausNRW-Forum Düsseldorf
Each museum showcases a diverse array of masterpieces. Notable highlights include contemporary art at KIT, dynamic exhibitions at Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, a vast collection at Kunstpalast, 20th-century art at K20 Grabbeplatz, and socially inspired art at NRW-Forum Düsseldorf. All museums are within walking distance, taking you through picturesque locations including Ehrenhof and Königsallee.
All museums operate at the following hours:
Tuesday to Sunday: 11 am to 6 pm
Museums are closed on Mondays.
How Does it Work?
Upon booking, a voucher will be provided, which must be exchanged for a ticket at the Tourist-Information office in Düsseldorf, open daily from 10 am to 6 pm. The 48-hour validity starts with the first entry to any museum.
Under 18's
Admission is free for those under 18 to the 6 museums, so they do not need the Art Walk Card.
- 48–hour access to 6 of Düsseldorf's museums