
Descubre el Yacimiento Arqueológico Cañada de la Virgen - Tour de medio día

  • 5 horas
  • Voucher eletrônico

Inhabited between 540 and 1050 AD, the Cañada de la Virgen archaeological site is located on a small plateau surrounded by canyons.

Complex A, called “The House of the Thirteen Heavens,” was designed as a clock on the horizon, an astronomical observatory, and a necropolis for the elite. It is aligned with the sunrise and sunset and with the movements of the planets Venus and Jupiter at crucial moments in the Otomi calendar, to whom researchers attribute the construction of the site.

Also discover Complex B, “The House of the Longest Night,” and Complex D, “The House of the Wind,” with the help of our qualified guides.



  • Tickets
  • Lunch
  • Guide

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  • Drinks

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