
City tour and Tsimbazaza Zoo

  • 6 ore
  • Voucher stampato

Tsimbazaza Zoo (known locally as Parc Botanique et Zoologique de Tsimbazaza or PBZT) is a zoo and botanical garden in southern Antananarivo.

It is the only zoo of its kind in Madagascar. There is a lot of greenery and nature (all kind of plant that exist in the Island) as well as the animals (many species of lemurs, crocodiles, reptiles and birds). It is a great way to get introduced to Madagascar (Biodiversity, culture, and history). Lunch at the restaurant near the park.

We will continue to visit the old city in upper town (“La Haute ville”) where is the Queen's palace, the ancient Prime Minister Rainilaiarivony palace, ancient Justice palace, cathedrals and the residential area ancient noblemen families worth a visit.



  • Guide
  • Meal
  • Tickets
  • Transport

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