
Subaiba: Cheese Factory and Tasting Guided Tour

  • 1 ora
  • Voucher stampato

We uncover rural Menorca on this hour-long guided tour of Subaida, a cheese factory located in the middle of Menorca.

We will show our facilities (farm animals, dairy, milking room ...), learn how a piece of D.O. cheese is made and handcrafted. Mahón-Menorca, ending with the tasting of all our products.Three varieties of Mahón-Menorca CheeseSobrasadaCarn i xulla (typical sausage of the island)"Carquinyols" (almond sweets), accompanied by bread, wine and water .

The house with Arab origins, with British influence and a distinctly Mediterranean spirit, this is Subaida: a Georgian-style estate from the mid-19th century, full of history and a farm where time seems to have stopped while they keep the cheese-making tradition they learned from their ancestors alive.



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  • Drinks

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