
Private transfer from Ho Chi Minh to Mui Ne

  • 9 ore
  • Voucher stampato

Experience hassle-free and comfortable transportation when journeying from Phan Thiet (Mui Ne) to Ho Chi Minh.

Your transfer is made effortless in a private, modern, and air-conditioned vehicle, ensuring a relaxing trip. With a skilled and professional driver at the helm, you'll travel swiftly and securely between these cities.

Whether you're couple (2 passengers), part of a smaller group (3-5 passengers) or a larger one (up to 12 passengers), you can select the ideal vehicle to suit your needs, making your journey safe, seamless and enjoyable.

Free pick up at hotel in Ho Chi Minh and drop off hotel in Mui Ne.



  • Road tolls
  • Air-conditioned transportation
  • Guide

Non incluso

  • Meal

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