
Skip the Line: Open Air Ethnographic Museum ETAR

  • 1 ora
  • Voucher elettronico

Enjoy a day in the Open Air Ethnographic Museum ETAR.

Do you want to feel the whiff of the past, to see the miraculous power of the water, flowing in a chute, to enjoy the Renaissance architecture, to observe ancient national customs, then visit the Ethnographical Open Air Museum "Etar", 8 km. Southwards from the town of Gabrovo.

E-guide, it is an electronic guide. We have a state-of-the-art system to load the itinerary notes, the guides notes and the sights into the customer's phone, tablet whatsoever of electronic equipment. Very comfortable for the traveler to have the tour at their own pace especially when the self-guided option is chosen.

Audio guide languages

English, Bulgarian, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Chinese



  • Tickets
  • E-guide E-guide

Non incluso

  • Food
  • All personal expenses
  • Drinks
  • Pick-up available from the hotel.
  • Drop off at the hotel.

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