10 Activities in Foz
  • Active tourism and nature
  • Outdoors

Birdwatching. Embark on a bird-watching journey in Foz, sailing through the waters of Lugo province in search of terns, shearwaters, and gannets. Meet in Foz to board a speedboat for a 1.5-hour trip. Explore native and migratory species like...

  • 2 hours - 1 day
  • Other adventure sports
  • Water activities
  • Outdoors

Description. Experience snorkeling in the magical waters of Foz to discover the marine ecosystems of the Galician coast. Meet at Rúa Manuel Murguía in Foz, then head to Rapadoira Beach to board a boat into the Bay of Biscay. Dive in with a marine...

  • 2 hours - 1 day
  • Other adventure sports
  • Water activities
  • Outdoors

Foz Kayak Hire. Experience a kayak adventure in the Galician province of Lugo with Foz Kayak Hire. Meet at Rúa Manuel Murguía in Foz where an instructor will provide a brief orientation on kayak usage before you set off to explore the Foz...

  • 2 - 8 hours
  • Diving
  • Water activities
  • Outdoors

Foz Diving Baptism Experience. Experience the thrill of diving into the sea with the Foz Diving Baptism Experience. Choose between a simple baptism lasting 1 hour or a double baptism lasting 2 hours 30 minutes. Simple baptism (1 hour). Receive a...

  • 1 - 3 hours
  • Routes
  • Water activities
  • Outdoors
  • City activities

Cathedrals Beach Boat Trip. We'll depart from Rúa Manuel Murguía street in Foz to visit Praia de Augas Santas, known as the Beach of the Cathedrals. This boat trip offers a unique perspective of the stunning region along Ribadeo's waters. The...

  • 1 hour - 1 day
From£ 25.19
  • Routes
  • Water activities
  • Outdoors

Foz Coast Boat Trip. Embark on a boat trip along the coast of Foz, starting at Rúa Manuel Murguía street. Sail along the Cantabrian Sea for a one-hour tour from Rapadoira beach to Arealonga beach. Admire the islets of Os Castelos de Foz and the...

  • 1 hour - 1 day
From£ 20.99
  • Cultural activities
  • City activities
  • Water activities
  • Outdoors

Options. When booking, choose from two different routes for the kayak tour. Meet at Rua Manuel Murguía street in Foz for both options. Tour of the Foz Estuary and Fondás Beach (2 hours). Follow the coast of the Foz Estuary on the Barreiros side...

  • 1 - 3 hours
  • Cultural activities
  • City activities
  • Water activities
  • Outdoors

Paddle Surf Tour of Foz. Choose from two options for the paddle surfing tour starting at Rua Manuel Murguía Street in Foz. Tour of the Foz Estuary and Fondás Beach (2 hours). Follow the coastline of the estuary of Foz on the side of Barreiros to...

  • 2 hours - 1 day
  • Other adventure sports
  • Water activities
  • Outdoors

Paddle Surfing class in Foz. We offer a paddle surfing class in Foz where participants will meet at Rúa Manuel Murguía street. After gearing up with wetsuits, we head to the Ría de Foz estuary for the class. The session begins with a theory...

  • 2 hours - 1 day
  • Routes
  • Water activities
  • Outdoors

Masma Estuary Boat Trip. Embark on a boat trip along the stunning Masma Estuary, starting from Rúa Manuel Murguía street in Foz. Sail past Rapadoira beach and O Altar beach, exploring the Foz estuary before reaching the beautiful Masma estuary....

  • 30 minutes - 1 day
From£ 10.08