Aktivitäten in Madagaskar

- 4 Stunden
- 3 Stunden
- Aktivitäten in der Stadt
9 Day Tour of Madagascar
- 1 Woche
- 10 Stunden
Kirindy Private Reserve
Kirindy ist ein privat geführter Wald in einem der am stärksten bedrohten Ökosysteme Madagaskars. Seine trockenen Laubwälder sind berühmt für die riesige Springratte und beherbergen die „Fosa“, die Madagassische Langschwanzkatze. Sieben...
- 6 Stunden
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Andranomena Special Reserve
Das kleine Reservat (64,2 km2) von Andranomena, das eine Fülle an Tier- und Pflanzenarten beherbergt, ist eines der Königreiche seltener und bedrohter Vögel. Da das Reservat hauptsächlich aus dichtem, trockenem Laubwald besteht und einige...
- 6 Stunden
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Marofandilia Private Reserve
Der Marofandilia-Wald besteht aus stacheligem Trockenwald und Binnendünen. Dieses Gebiet beherbergt endemische Tiere wie den Verreaux-Sifaka, den rotgeschwänzten Sportlemur und den kleineren blassen Gabel-Lemur sowie fast 200 Pflanzenarten und...
- 6 Stunden
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Lemur's Park and Antongona Hill
- 6 Stunden
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Ankarana National Park
- 6 Stunden
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Sakatia Island
Nosy Sakatia is called also the orchid island is still unspoilt piece of paradise only 1km west of Nosy Be, offering excellent snorkeling, diving and moderate hiking. The beach was superb (With access to a great reef out front for snorkeling at...
- 6 Stunden
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Red Tsingy
The site is composed of beautiful eroded hills which worth the visit of this outstanding rock shapes with typical sensitive plants. Situated near the village of Irodo, it is about 50 Km from Diego-Suarez. When you walk through the Tsingy Rouge...
- 7 Stunden
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Antsiranana City Tour
- 6 Stunden
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Esmerald Sea
The Emerald Sea (Mer d'Emeraude) is located north of the passage to Diego Suarez Bay, one of the most beautiful and largest natural bays in the world. Emerald Sea is an enclosed bay and about 20 kilometers in boundary. You’ll take direction to...
- 6 Stunden
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Lokobe Reserve
- 6 Stunden
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Nosy Iranja Island Tour
Nosy Iranja is the best place if you want to see a beautiful, quiet, see turtles lay eggs every day or come running to the sea from birth, walk through the forest (which is actually a very nice garden) and arrive at a deserted beach. If you want...
- 6 Stunden
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City tour and Tsimbazaza Zoo
- 6 Stunden
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Antananarivo City Tour - Low and High City
- 6 Stunden
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Three Bays
- 6 Stunden
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Foulpoint beach and city tour
- 6 Stunden
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Domaine de Florette
- 6 Stunden
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