10 Activities in Huanuco
  • Routes
  • Outdoors

Trip to the Widow's Cave. Embark on a journey to the Widow's Cave, starting from Hospedaje Los Incas at 8 am. The excursion includes a visit to the La Viuda cave, known for its pre-Inca engravings. After exploring the cave, head to the La Viuda...

  • 8 hours - 1 day
From£ 77.88
  • Routes
  • Outdoors

Mayantuyacu River Day Trip. Embark on a day trip from Puerto Inca to explore the famous Mayantuyacu River, also known as the Boiling River. Departure is at 5:30 am from Hospedaje Los Incas. After a five-hour drive, board a boat to sail the...

  • 14 - 16 hours
  • Cultural activities
  • City activities

Pintuyacu Creek Hiking Tour. Embark on a journey through the Pintuyacu Creek in the district of Puerto Inca. Meet at Hospedaje Los Incas at 7:30 am and arrive at the natural enclave by 9 am. Enjoy a swim in the clear lagoons and then start a...

  • 9 hours - 1 day
From£ 77.88
  • Cultural activities

Visit to an Ashaninka Community. Embark on a journey along the Pachitea River, a tributary of the Ucayali, starting at Hospedaje Los Incas de Puerto Inca at 5:30 am. Experience a two-hour boat ride through the Amazon, culminating in a visit to an...

  • 12 hours - 1 day
From£ 119.92
  • In-person courses

Artisan Workshop in the Amazonian Rainforest. Experience a fascinating artisan workshop in the Amazon where you can immerse yourself in the culture of indigenous communities. Meet at Hospedaje Los Incas at 8 am to begin this unique adventure in...

  • 10 hours - 1 day
From£ 71.07

Ayahuasca Ceremony with an Amazonian Shaman. Ayahuasca, known as "the medicine of the soul," has been used since ancient times for spiritual purification. This ceremony with an Amazonian shaman offers a unique opportunity to connect with your...

  • 1 - 4 days
  • In-person courses

Traditional Amazonian cooking workshop. Experience a workshop delving into the secrets of Amazonian gastronomy, focusing on fish, fruits, and vegetables unique to the Peruvian jungle. Starting at 8 am at Hospedaje Los Incas, we'll visit a local...

  • 7 hours - 1 day
From£ 71.07
  • Excursions

Amazon Rainforest Hiking & Camping. Embark on an overnight adventure in the Amazon Rainforest, starting at Hospedaje Los Incas at 8 am. A 1-hour bus ride takes us to the village of Quimpichari, where a 1-hour hike through the jungle begins. Enjoy...

  • 2 days
From£ 139.95
  • In-person courses

Puerto Inca Chocolate Workshop. Discover the process of making Peruvian chocolate at the Puerto Inca Chocolate Workshop. The tropical climate of Peru is ideal for cocoa cultivation, making its chocolate among the best in the world. The workshop...

  • 10 hours - 1 day
From£ 65.67
  • Gastronomic experiences

Cheese & Yoghurt Workshop in Puerto Inca. This workshop in Puerto Inca offers a hands-on experience in producing cheese and yoghurt using natural ingredients. The day starts at 8 am at Hospedaje Los Incas. Participants will visit a family dairy...

  • 10 hours - 1 day
From£ 71.07